Thanksgiving in June!
We are deeply grateful to the many faithful who assisted with our recent move to the new location at 8775 Jefferson Highway. The team from St. Athanasius Church in Nicholasville, Kentucky provided the inspiration for our packing, moving, and assembling a new bookstore and church. An overwhelming number of willing members of our congregation joined in the effort, resulting in a truly beautiful result.
Here are a few photos chronicling our efforts to paint and move, our common prayers at Vespers and Divine Liturgy, and even a festive trip to Boutin's Restaurant for Cajun cuisine and dancing to the music of Lee Benoit and his band:

We are deeply grateful to the many faithful who assisted with our recent move to the new location at 8775 Jefferson Highway. The team from St. Athanasius Church in Nicholasville, Kentucky provided the inspiration for our packing, moving, and assembling a new bookstore and church. An overwhelming number of willing members of our congregation joined in the effort, resulting in a truly beautiful result.
Here are a few photos chronicling our efforts to paint and move, our common prayers at Vespers and Divine Liturgy, and even a festive trip to Boutin's Restaurant for Cajun cuisine and dancing to the music of Lee Benoit and his band:
Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace,
good will towards men.
We praise Thee;
we bless Thee;
we worship Thee;
we glorify Thee;
we give thanks to Thee
for Thy great glory!
and on earth peace,
good will towards men.
We praise Thee;
we bless Thee;
we worship Thee;
we glorify Thee;
we give thanks to Thee
for Thy great glory!
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