Monday, June 30, 2008

Meet Abbot Jonah...

At the recent Diocesan Assembly of the Diocese of the South, Abbot Jonah (Paffhausen) was endorsed as a candidate for auxiliary bishop to assist Archbishop DMITRI.

Abbot Jonah presently serves as spiritual father and confessor to the Monastery of Saint John of San Francisco in Manton, California, which strives to live a traditional monastic life informed by the practice of Valaam Monastery and the Holy Mountain.

A selection of his writings is available as a PDF document, which may be downloaded by clicking here.

UPDATE: Abbot Jonah recently delivered a paper on the episcopacy at a meeting of the Society of Saint Sergius and Saint Alban held at Saint Vladimir's Seminary. It is available here.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sunday, June 29: All Saints of North America

On the second Sunday after Pentecost, each local Orthodox Church commemorates all the saints, known and unknown, who have shone forth in its territory. Accordingly, the Orthodox Church in America remembers the saints of North America on this day.

Saints of all times, and in every country are seen as the fulfillment of God's promise to redeem fallen humanity. Their example encourages us to "lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily besets us" and to "run with patience the race that is set before us" (Hebrews 12:1). The saints of North America also teach us how we should live, and what we must expect to endure as Christians.

Schedule for this coming Weekend:

Saturday: Vespers at 5:00 PM

: Choir Practice: 9:00 AM

Third Hour Prayers: 9:45 AM

Typika: 10:00 AM

Troparion - Tone 8

As the bountiful harvest of Your sowing of salvation,
The lands of North America offer to You, O Lord,
all the saints who have shone in them.
By their prayers keep the Church and our land in abiding peace
Through the Theotokos, O most Merciful One.

Kontakion - Tone 3

Today the choir of Saints who were pleasing to God
in the lands of North America
Now stands before us in the Church and invisibly prays to God for us.
With them the angels glorify Him,
And all the saints of the Church of Christ keep festival with them;
And together they all pray for us to the Pre-Eternal God.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sunday, June 22: The Feast of All Saints

Sunday Morning Schedule
Third Hour Prayers: 9:00 AM
Typika: 10:00 AM

As with fine porphyry and royal purple,
Your church has been adorned with
Your martyrs' blood shed throughout all the world.
She cries to You, O Christ God:
Send down Your bounties on Your people,
Grant peace to Your habitation, and great mercy to our souls!
-Troparion of All Saints, Tone 4

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Pentecost Sunday:
The Sunday of the Holy Trinity
June 15
Typika with Holy Communion,
followed by the Kneeling Prayers of Pentecost

3:00 PM

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Upcoming Services...

Sunday, June 8
Third Hour Prayers at 9:45 AM
Typika at 10:00 AM

Saturday, June 14
Vespers at 5:00 PM

Pentecost (Holy Trinity) Sunday, June 15
Typika with Holy Communion at 3:00 PM
followed by the Kneeling Prayers

Thanksgiving in June!

We are deeply grateful to the many faithful who assisted with our recent move to the new location at 8775 Jefferson Highway. The team from St. Athanasius Church in Nicholasville, Kentucky provided the inspiration for our packing, moving, and assembling a new bookstore and church. An overwhelming number of willing members of our congregation joined in the effort, resulting in a truly beautiful result.

Here are a few photos chronicling our efforts to paint and move, our common prayers at Vespers and Divine Liturgy, and even a festive trip to Boutin's Restaurant for Cajun cuisine and dancing to the music of Lee Benoit and his band:

Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace,
good will towards men.
We praise Thee;
we bless Thee;
we worship Thee;
we glorify Thee;
we give thanks to Thee
for Thy great glory!