Thursday, February 21, 2008

Sunday of the Prodigal Son

Our pre-Lenten preparation continues this Saturday evening, February 23, with Vespers at 5:00 PM. On Sunday morning, classes for children and adults will meet at 9:15 AM.

Lenten study resources for the adult class are available at the Church - we're beginning with Saint Innocent's "The Way into the Kingdom of Heaven."

Third Hour prayers begin at 9:15 AM, followed by Typika at 10:00 AM.

Everyone is welcome - Services are in English.

And remember, share the joy of Orthodox Christianity - invite a friend to "Come and See!"

Kontakion from the Lenten Triodion - Tone 3
I have recklessly forgotten Your glory, O Father;
and among sinners I have scattered the riches
which You had given me.

Therefore, I cry to You like the Prodigal:

"I have sinned before You, O compassionate Father;

receive me a penitent
and make me as one of Your hired servants."