Launch out into the deep...

We live in a culture that is blessed with great material abundance. And yet, in the midst of that abundance is a hunger for the Truth that is Christ. As Orthodox missionaries in the American South, we must risk bearing witness to the fullness of that Truth - going deeper into the seas around us that we might share the Gospel in all its challenging splendor. By God's grace, some will respond and seek to become a part of the Church.
His Eminence also noted that when we proclaim the Truth of Christ in its fullness, other Christian groups may come to take more seriously the entirety of the Great Tradition that is frequently distorted or neglected by so many. For whenever the Truth is embraced in its fullness, God is glorified.
After Liturgy, we shared a marvellous lunch in the parish hall and enjoyed good conversation about the magnificent things happening throughout the diocese.

Eis polla eti, Despota! Many years, Master!
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