Christ is in our midst! He is and ever shall be!
Father Ted preached on the appointed Gospel passage in which our Lord Jesus Christ describes the Last Judgment of the nations as the separation of the sheep (those who showed love and compassion) from the goats (those who failed to do so). Describing the Christian life as a continuing, disciplined effort to trade our "goat's horns" in exchange for "lamb's wool," Father Ted exhorted us to share the Orthodox Faith both in word and deed with a hungry and hurting world.
The congregation was treated to an additional surprise upon their arrival at the mission. Thanks to a generous Christmas gift, a large three-bar Orthodox Cross has been installed on our roof-facade and new signs are now prominently displayed in our front windows. This will provide us with much-needed visibility to passers-by on O'Neal Lane and Hewwood Avenue.
Glory to God for all things! Glory to Jesus Christ forever!
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