Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Exaltation of the Holy and Life Giving Cross

O Lord, save Thy people,
And bless Thine inheritance.
Grant victories to the Orthodox Christians
Over their adversaries.
And by virtue of Thy Cross,
Preserve Thine habitation.

Troparion, Tone 1

Our commemoration of the Exaltation of the Holy and Life Giving Cross will continue until the leavetaking of the feast on this coming Sunday, September 21. Our schedule for that day will include Adult Education at 9:00 AM, Third Hour Prayers and 9:45 AM, and Typika at 10:00 AM.

In the aftermath of the storms which have devastated so much of the Louisiana and Texas coast, pray for victory over the great adversities which burden so many.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Through the prayers of the Theotokos...

With all of the recent turmoil in Baton Rouge, the Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos passed by rather quietly on September 8. In honor of the Mother of Christ our God, and in memory of those who perished on September 11, 2001, we offer our prayers:

Monday, September 08, 2008

After the Storm...

Hurricane Gustav hit Baton Rouge on Monday, September 1 with the strongest winds ever recorded in this part of Louisiana. Electricity went out in much of the city by noon or early afternoon.

We were encouraged to find that electricity had been restored at the church when we gathered on Sunday morning, September 7. During coffee hour after Typika, everyone shared stories of losing electricity and phone service and damage from falling trees and debris. Several families had electricity restored late in the week, others anticipate days or weeks of waiting while Entergy and Demco (and a host of out-of-state workers) untangle fallen lines and rebuild the damaged grid.

Given the breakdown in communication, we've had difficulty making contact with some members of the congregation. If you are able to see this post, and have access to phone or email, please call 241-2926 or email to let us know your status and any immediate needs. Remember that phone service is still somewhat unreliable, with many calls going directly to voice mail.

With another hurricane preparing to enter the Gulf of Mexico, our prayers continue - especially for those lacking shelter and basic necessities.

Through the prayers of the Theotokos, O Savior, save us!

Friday, September 05, 2008

Sunday, September 7:
Adult Catechism at 9:00 AM
Third Hour Prayers at 9:45 AM
Typika at 10:00 AM
Hurricane Update (9-6-08) - Much of Baton Rouge is still without electricity, though phone service is improving. There is no electricity at the Church, but we will follow our regular Sunday schedule on September 7. Our rented facility was not damaged.
We have made contact with a few members of the congregation - we have not had any reports of injury and only limited reports of property damage. Concerns include the limited availability of ice and gasoline, as well as income loss because of business closures and disruptions.
We give thanks to God for His merciful protection throughout the storm and its aftermath.
Let the heavens rejoice!
Let the earth be glad!
For the Lord has shown strength with His arm.
He has trampled down death by death.
He has become the first born of the dead.
He has delivered us from the depths of hell,
and has granted to the world great mercy!
- Resurrectional Troparion, Tone 3